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Once deployed you can upgrade to the latest version of Nuxtus by individually updating the associated components. You can find your current version of Nuxtus by looking in the .version file in the root of your project.

Always remember to manually update the version number when you do manual updates so you know which version you are on.

Nuxt update

Edit client/package.json and change nuxt version under devDependencies to the latest version then run npm install.

Directus update

Edit server/package.json and change directus version under dependencies to the latest version then run:

npm install
npm run cli bootstrap

Some updates require configuration changes which will differ depending on the version of Nuxtus you are using. The steps for these changes are listed below. If you are upgrading multiple versions start with the immediate next version and continue through all steps until you are up to date.

1.3.0 > 1.3.1

  1. Update Nuxt to 3.0.0-rc.8
  2. Update Directus to 9.15.1 (optional)
  3. In package.json upgrade nuxt-directus to ^2.3.0 and npm install
  4. Edit client/nuxt.config.ts and add:
build: {
	transpile: ['@heroicons/vue']

1.4.0 > 1.5.0

  1. Update Directus to 9.16.1

1.5.0 > 1.5.1

  1. Update @nuxtus/cli to 1.3.0 in client/package.json and npm install
  2. Update @nuxtus/nuxt-module to 1.0.4 in client/package.json and npm install
  3. Update @nuxtus/directus-extension-nuxtus-hook to 1.2.1 in server/package.json and npm install. Place /server/node_moduoles/@nuxtus/directus-extension-nuxtus-hook/dist/index.js in Directus project /server/extensions/hooks/nuxtus-hook/

1.5.1 > 1.5.2

  1. Update @nuxtus/cli to 1.4.0 in client/package.json and npm install

1.5.2 > 1.6.0

  1. Update @nuxtus/nuxt-module to 1.0.5 in client/package.json
  2. Update "nuxt-directus" to "^3.0.3" in client/package.json
  3. Update Nuxt to 3.0.0-rc.9 in client/package.json
  4. npm install

1.6.0 > 1.7.0

  1. Update @nuxtus/nuxt-module to 1.2.0 in client/package.json and npm install
  2. Download the latest @nuxtus/hook and replace your current version in /server/extensions/hooks/directus-extension-nuxtus-hook/

1.7.0 > 1.8.0

  1. Update @nuxtus/nuxt-module to "1.2.1" in client/package.json
  2. Update @nuxtus/cli to "1.5.0" in client/package.json
  3. npm install in client/
  4. Download the latest @nuxtus/hook and replace your current version in /server/extensions/hooks/directus-extension-nuxtus-hook/
  5. Clear all nuxt caches npx nuxi-edge@latest cleanup

1.8.0 > 1.8.1

  1. Update @nuxtjs/google-fonts to "2.0.0" in client/package.json
  2. In nuxt.config.ts remove google-fonts module, so it just looks like this:
buildModules: [
  1. Update Nuxt to 3rc13 in client/package.json
  2. Update "nuxt-directus" to "^3.2.1" in client/package.json

1.8.0 > 2.0.0

Nuxt 3.0.0 has been released and Nuxtus has been updated to use it. This is a major update and will require some changes to your project.

  1. Update Nuxt to 3.0.0 in client/package.json
  2. Update "nuxt-directus" to "^3.2.2" in client/package.json
  3. Update @nuxtus/nuxt-module to "2.0.0" in client/package.json
  4. Update your client/nuxt.config.ts like this:
publicRuntimeConfig: { [!code  --]
	directusEmail: '', [!code  --]
	directusPassword: '', [!code  --]
} [!code  --]
runtimeConfig: { [!code  ++]
	public { [!code  ++]
		nuxtus: { [!code  ++]
			directus: { [!code  ++]
				email: '', [!code  ++]
				password: '' [!code  ++]
			} [!code  ++]
		} [!code  ++]
	} [!code  ++]
} [!code  ++]
  1. Change the .env variables as follows: (use your Directus credentials)
NUXT_PUBLIC_DIRECTUS_EMAIL="{{ email }}" [!code  --]
NUXT_PUBLIC_DIRECTUS_PASSWORD="{{ password }}" [!code  --] [!code  ++]

2.0.0 > 2.0.1

  1. Update @nuxtus/cli to "2.0.0" in client/package.json
  2. Update @nuxtus/nuxt-module to "2.2.0" in client/package.json

2.0.1 > ???

// TODO: Review the versions and instructions here

  1. If still running Directus 9, update to Directus 10
  2. Update .env with the and modified variable names:
# nuxt-directus required values
# Nuxtus values
NUXTUS_DIRECTUS_STATIC_TOKEN="token" # Not required if token false and using public API
  1. Update nuxt config
runtimeConfig: {
	nuxtus: { [!code  ++]
		directus: { [!code  ++]
			email: process.env.NUXTUS_DIRECTUS_ADMIN_EMAIL, [!code  ++]
			password: process.env.NUXTUS_DIRECTUS_ADMIN_PASSWORD, [!code  ++]
			token: process.env.NUXTUS_DIRECTUS_STATIC_TOKEN || null, [!code  ++]
		}, [!code  ++]
	}, [!code  ++]
	public {
		nuxtus: {
			directus: {
				url: process.env.DIRECTUS_URL || "http://localhost:3000", [!code ++]
				email: '', [!code  --]
				password: '' [!code  --]
  1. Update @nuxtus/cli to "2.0.0" in client/package.json
  2. Update @nuxtus/nuxt-module to "2.2.0" in client/package.json
  3. Remove nuxt-directus dependency in client/package.json

Released under the MIT License.